Pregnancy care

Pregnancy care

Caring for your baby starts even before your bump arrives. If you’re a first time mum you’ll probably have all sorts of pregnancy questions, but even experienced mums need a little help and advice.

It’s important to take care of your baby, even before he or she is born. You can do this by living a healthy lifestyle and keeping doctor’s appointments while you’re pregnant. You’re more likely to have a healthy birth if you maintain a healthy pregnancy.

We are getting good care before, during, and after your pregnancy is very important. It can help your baby grow and develop and keep you both healthy. It is the best way to be sure your little one gets a head start on a healthy life.

Tips for a Healthy Pregnanc:

  • Take a prenatal vitamin
  • Exercise regularly
  • Write a birth plan
  • Educate yourself
  • Eat foods with fiber
  • Get enough sleep
  • Exercise, but don’t overdo it

Keep up your normal daily physical activity or exercise (sport, running, yoga, dancing, or even walking to the shops and back) for as long as you feel comfortable. Exercise is not dangerous for your baby. There is some evidence that active women are less likely to experience problems in later pregnancy and labour.

Everyone is different, but hormones can cause lots of changes in your body and the way you feel. Some of us may have tender breasts, get tired easily or feel sick (at any time of the day, and not just in the morning). Even if you were planning on becoming pregnant, realising that you are can still come as a bit of a shock, so don’t worry if you feel up and down.

If you experience any bleeding, tell your midwife straight away and get her advice.

We know that you’ll have loads of other things to fill your day, but try to squeeze a little exercise here and there. Try and aim for about 150 minutes a week. This might sound like a lot – but if you break it up into two 15-minute bursts, 5 times a week, you’re there! You could do it in a couple of little walks each day, over the course of the week. If you’re already very sporty, you may have to cut down a bit while you’re pregnant. As a general rule, if you feel better for it, then keep doing it. But stop exercising if you feel it’s becoming uncomfortable for you. Your midwife can give you some advice on getting the balance just right. 

Here are 13 super nutritious foods to eat when you’re pregnant to help make sure you’re hitting those nutrient goals.
1. Dairy products :-

During pregnancy, you need to consume extra protein and calcium to meet the needs of your growing little one. Dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt should be on the docket.

Dairy products contain two types of high-quality protein: casein and whey. Dairy is the best dietary source of calcium, and provides high amounts of phosphorus, B vitamins, magnesium, and zinc.

2. Sweet potatoes :-

Sweet potatoes are not only delicious cooked about a thousand ways, they’re also rich in beta carotene, a plant compound that is converted into vitamin A in your body.

3. Eggs :-

Those incredible, edible eggs are the ultimate health food, as they contain a little bit of almost every nutrient you need. A large egg contains about 80 calories, high-quality protein, fat, and many vitamins and minerals.

a vital nutrient during pregnancy. It’s important in baby’s brain development and helps prevent developmental abnormalities of the brain and spine.

You shouldn’t drink any alcohol at all during pregnancy, as it could be harmful to your baby. By making the positive choice not to drink any alcohol while you’re pregnant or trying for a baby, you can feel confident that you’re helping to keep your baby safe and healthy.

It’s not advisable to smoke while you’re pregnant. Do not let anyone else smoke around you, or in rooms where you and your baby will be. Smoking can cause pregnancy and labour complications, such as your baby being born too early or weighing less than normal. A baby with a low birth weight is more likely to pick up infections, have breathing difficulties and other health problems throughout their childhood. Giving up smoking is the best thing you, your partner and family can do for you and your baby. As soon as you stop, you reduce the risk of miscarriage or stillbirth, and risks to your baby such as cot death.

Most mums feel the first fidgets of their wee one – known as ‘quickening’ – between weeks 14 and 26 of their pregnancy, but it does vary. After those first little flurries, you’ll get to know your own baby’s pattern of movements. Remember, you can talk to your midwife about what to expect. And you’ll probably start to feel your bond with your baby growing as you get use to their movements.

Svasthay setu is amongst the best in-home medical care providers in Gujarat. You can get the best support services at the comfort of your home and be safe.

We provide specialized care for premature, low birth weight or special babies. Our welltrained nurses can answer questions regarding baby, and show you how to breastfeed, change, feed, dress, and bathe your baby safely. We can also help those mothers, who have underwent a high-risk pregnancy, or need help with post- cesarean wound care.

Svasthay Setu is one of the leading businesses in the Health Care Consultants. Also known for Gynaecologist & Obstetrician Doctors, Health Care Consultants, Stress Counselling For Pregnant Women, Fitness Consultants For Pregnancy, Lamaze Classes and much more. Find Address, Contact Number, Reviews & Ratings, Photos, Maps of .

  • Q1:When do pregnancy cravings start?

A1: There isn’t a specific time when pregnancy food cravings start. It’s different for every woman – and you may not necessarily have any cravings.If you do start having cravings, it’ll probably be in your first trimester (it could be as early as 5 weeks into pregnancy). They’ll get stronger in your second trimester, and then eventually stop in your third trimester.Cravings come in all shapes and sizes. Some women crave fatty foods like chips. Others get pregnancy cravings for things they didn’t like before they got pregnant, or strange combinations of food such as mars bars with bacon.Try to eat as healthily as possible – keep those unhealthy temptations to a minimum!If you find yourself craving things that aren’t food, like toothpaste, coal or even soil, speak to your midwife or doctor, as this may be a sign of a vitamin deficiency.

Q2:How much weight should I gain in pregnancy?

A2: Weight gain in pregnancy varies from person to person. It also depends on your weight before you become pregnant. Most pregnant women gain between 10kg and 12.5kg (22lb to 26lb), putting on most of the weight after week 20. Much of the extra weight is due to your baby growing, but your body will also be storing fat, ready to make breast milk after your baby is born.

Q3:What prenatal vitamins should I take?

A3: You’ll get most of the vitamins and minerals you need by eating a healthy, varied diet. But when you’re pregnant (and while you are trying to get pregnant) you also need to take a folic acid supplement. To keep your bones and muscles healthy, it’s best to take a daily vitamin D supplement. This is especially important as many of us are spending more time indoors than usual at the moment. Vitamin D supplements are available from most pharmacies, supermarkets and other retailers. You just need 10 micrograms a day.

Q4:Should I have the flu vaccine?

A4: The flu jab is the safest way to help protect pregnant women and their babies against flu, regardless of their stage in pregnancy, or how fit and healthy they feel. Pregnancy naturally weakens the immune system, which means it’s harder to fight off infections. As a result, flu can cause serious complications. One of the most common flu complications is bronchitis – a chest infection that can become serious and develop into pneumonia

Q5:What are the different types of breast pump?

A5: There are 2 different types of breast pump: electric and manual.

Manual breast pumps: This type of pump takes a bit longer to use than an electric pump but is:

  • cheaper than an electric pump
  • simple to use
  • lightweight
  • quiet

Electric breast pumps:

An Electric pump does the hard work for you. This type of pump is quicker than using a manual pump, but can be noisy and more expensive. Mums often say that a manual breast pump is better if you’re only expressing occasionally, while an electric pump is more efficient if you need to express milk quickly and often, for example if you’ve gone back to work.